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Defenition of the word partitive

    • Defenition of the word partitive

      • indicating or characterized by or serving to create partition or division into parts; "partitive tendencies in education"
      • (Romance languages) relating to or denoting a part of a whole or a quantity that is less than the whole; "a partitive construction"
      • a word (such a `some' or `less') that is used to indicate a part as distinct from a whole
      • serving to separate or divide into parts; "partitive tendencies in education"; "the uniting influence was stronger than the separative"
      • word (such a `some'' or `less'') that is used to indicate a part as distinct from a whole
      • word (such a `some' or `less') that is used to indicate a part as distinct from a whole
      • serving to separate or divide into parts
      • indicating or characterized by or serving to create partition or division into parts
      • (Romance languages) relating to or denoting a part of a whole or a quantity that is less than the whole

    Synonyms for the word partitive

      • separative

    Similar words in the partitive

      • disjunctive

    Hypernyms for the word partitive

      • word

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