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Defenition of the word pasture

    • Defenition of the word pasture

      • Land covered with grass or herbage and grazed by or suitable for grazing by livestock.
      • To put livestock into a field or pasture or meadow to graze.
      • (For livestock) To feed on grass or herbage from a pasture.
      • To feed as in a meadow or pasture.
      • feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing"
      • let (animals) feed in a field or pasture or meadow
      • animal food for browsing or grazing
      • a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
      • let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
      • bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle
      • feed as in a meadow or pasture

    Synonyms for the word pasture

      • browse
      • crop
      • eatage
      • field
      • fodder
      • forage
      • grass
      • graze
      • grazing land
      • ground
      • lea
      • ley
      • meadow
      • paddock
      • pasturage
      • pastureland
      • range
      • territory

    Similar words in the pasture

      • pasture
      • pasture's
      • pastured
      • pastures

    Meronymys for the word pasture

      • country
      • rural area

    Hyponyms for the word pasture

      • common land
      • commons
      • cow pasture
      • drift
      • grass

    Hypernyms for the word pasture

      • eat
      • feed
      • fodder
      • give
      • grassland
      • grub
      • provender

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