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Defenition of the word pathological

    • Defenition of the word pathological

      • caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes"
      • caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition; "a pathological liar"; "a pathological urge to succeed"
      • of or relating to the practice of pathology; "pathological laboratory"
      • caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology
      • caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition
      • of or relating to the practice of pathology

    Synonyms for the word pathological

      • diseased
      • morbid
      • pathologic

    Similar words in the pathological

      • neurotic
      • psychoneurotic
      • unhealthy

    See other words