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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "p"
Words starting with letters "pa"
Words starting with letters "pat"
Words starting with letters "patr"
Words starting with letters "patra"
Defenition of the word patras
Defenition of the word patras
Defenition of the word patras
a port city in western Greece in the northwestern Peloponnese on an inlet of the Ionian Sea; was a major trade center from the 5th century BC to the 3rd century BC; commercial importance revived during the Middle Ages
Hypernyms for the word patras
urban center
See other words
What is patency
The definition of pasteurised
The interpretation of the word pasteurisation
What is meant by paster
The lexical meaning past(a)
The dictionary meaning of the word passive source
The grammatical meaning of the word passion of christ
Meaning of the word passing(a)
Literal and figurative meaning of the word passer-by
The origin of the word patrick henry
Synonym for the word patrick victor martindale white
Antonyms for the word patrick white
Homonyms for the word patrioteer
Hyponyms for the word patristics
Holonyms for the word patroclus
Hypernyms for the word patrology
Proverbs and sayings for the word patronise
Translation of the word in other languages patronised
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "s"
Words ending with letters "as"
Words ending with letters "ras"
Words ending with letters "tras"
Words ending with letters "atras"
Meaning of the word patras