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Defenition of the word paving

    • Defenition of the word paving

      • the paved surface of a thoroughfare
      • the application of paving materials to an area
      • material used to pave an area
      • the act of applying paving materials to an area

    Synonyms for the word paving

      • pavement

    Meronymys for the word paving

      • paving stone

    Hyponyms for the word paving

      • asphalt
      • blacktop
      • blacktopping
      • concrete
      • curbside
      • macadam
      • tarmac
      • tarmacadam

    Hypernyms for the word paving

      • application
      • artefact
      • artifact
      • coating
      • covering
      • paved surface
      • paving material

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