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Defenition of the word penstemon rupicola

    • Defenition of the word penstemon rupicola

      • one of the West's most beautiful wildflowers; large brilliant pink or rose flowers in many racemes above thick mats of stems and leaves; ledges and cliffs from Washington to California
      • one of the West''s most beautiful wildflowers; large brilliant pink or rose flowers in many racemes above thick mats of stems and leaves; ledges and cliffs from Washington to California

    Synonyms for the word penstemon rupicola

      • cliff penstemon
      • Penstemon rupicola
      • rock penstemon

    Meronymys for the word penstemon rupicola

      • genus Penstemon
      • Penstemon

    Hypernyms for the word penstemon rupicola

      • wild flower
      • wildflower

    See other words