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Defenition of the word phonograph record

    • Defenition of the word phonograph record

      • a disc with continuous grooves; formerly used to reproduce music by rotating as a phonograph needle tracked in the grooves
      • sound recording consisting of a disc with continuous grooves; formerly used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracked in the grooves
      • sound recording consisting of a disk with a continuous groove; used to reproduce music by rotating while a phonograph needle tracks in the groove

    Synonyms for the word phonograph record

      • disc
      • disk
      • phonograph recording
      • platter
      • record

    Meronymys for the word phonograph record

      • acetate disk
      • phonograph recording disk

    Hyponyms for the word phonograph record

      • 78
      • L-P
      • LP
      • seventy-eight

    Hypernyms for the word phonograph record

      • audio
      • audio recording
      • sound recording

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