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Defenition of the word piracy

    • Defenition of the word piracy

      • robbery on the high seas; taking a ship away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it
      • the act of falsely representing the ideas or work of others as your own
      • the act of plagiarizing; taking someone''s words or ideas as if they were your own
      • the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own
      • hijacking on the high seas or in similar contexts; taking a ship or plane away from the control of those who are legally entitled to it

    Synonyms for the word piracy

      • buccaneering
      • plagiarisation
      • plagiarization

    Hypernyms for the word piracy

      • copyright infringement
      • falsehood
      • falsification
      • highjacking
      • hijacking
      • infringement of copyright
      • misrepresentation
      • robbery

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