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Defenition of the word poison oak
Defenition of the word poison oak
Defenition of the word poison oak
climbing plant common in eastern and central United States with ternate leaves and greenish flowers followed by white berries; yields an irritating oil that causes a rash on contact
dermatitis resulting from contact with a poison oak plant
Synonyms for the word poison oak
poison ivy
poison mercury
Rhus radicans
Toxicodendron radicans
Meronymys for the word poison oak
genus Toxicodendron
Hypernyms for the word poison oak
poisonous plant
Rhus dermatitis
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The origin of the word toxicodendron radicans
Synonym for the word rhus radicans
Antonyms for the word poison milkweed
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English dictionary
Words ending with letters "k"
Words ending with letters "ak"
Words ending with letters "oak"
Words ending with letters " oak"
Words ending with letters "n oak"
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Words ending with letters "oison oak"
Meaning of the word poison oak