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Defenition of the word praetorian

    • Defenition of the word praetorian

      • of or relating to a Roman praetor; "praetorial powers"
      • characteristic of Praetorian soldiers in respect to corruption or political venality; "a large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious...and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble"- Arthur M.Schlesinger Jr.
      • a member of the Praetorian Guard
      • characteristic of or similar to the corruptible soldiers in the Praetorian Guard with respect to corruption or political venality
      • of or relating to a Roman praetor

    Synonyms for the word praetorian

      • praetorial
      • pretorial
      • pretorian

    Similar words in the praetorian

      • corrupt

    Hypernyms for the word praetorian

      • bodyguard
      • escort

    See other words