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Defenition of the word precipitation

    • Defenition of the word precipitation

      • The settling out of water from cloud in the form of rain, hail, snow, etc.
      • The process of producing a separable solid phase within a liquid medium; represents the formation of a new condensed phase, such as a vapour or gas condensing to liquid droplets; a new solid phase gradually precipitates within a solid alloy as a result of slow, inner chemical reaction; in analytical chemistry, precipitation is used to separate a solid phase in an aqueous solution. (Source: MGH)
      • an unexpected acceleration or hastening: "he is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise"
      • the process of forming a chemical precipitate
      • the falling to earth of rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist
      • overly eager speed (and possible carelessness); "he soon regretted his haste"
      • an unexpected acceleration or hastening; "he is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise"
      • the act of casting down or falling headlong from a height
      • the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
      • the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time; "the storm brought several inches of precipitation"
      • overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)
      • an unexpected acceleration or hastening
      • the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time

    Synonyms for the word precipitation

      • downfall
      • rain
      • rainfall

    Similar words in the precipitation

      • precipitation
      • precipitation's

    Meronymys for the word precipitation

      • diamond dust
      • frost mist
      • frost snow
      • ice crystal
      • ice needle
      • poudrin
      • snow mist

    Hyponyms for the word precipitation

      • abruptness
      • fine spray
      • hail
      • precipitance
      • precipitancy
      • precipitateness
      • precipitousness
      • rain
      • rainfall
      • sleet
      • snow
      • snowfall
      • suddenness
      • virga

    Hypernyms for the word precipitation

      • acceleration
      • atmospheric condition
      • chemical action
      • chemical change
      • chemical process
      • conditions
      • drop
      • fall
      • fastness
      • indefinite quantity
      • speed
      • swiftness
      • weather
      • weather condition

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