Defenition of the word preventive
Defenition of the word preventive
- tending to ward off; "the swastika...a very ancient prophylactic symbol occurring among all peoples"- Victor Schultze
- an agent or device intended to prevent conception
- something that impedes or is burdensome
- tending to prevent or hinder
- preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease; "preventive medicine"; "vaccines are prophylactic"; "a prophylactic drug"
- something that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the docotr recommended several preventatives"
- any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
- remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease; "the doctor recommended several preventatives"
- remedy that prevents or slows the course of an illness or disease
- preventing or contributing to the prevention of disease
Synonyms for the word preventive
- birth control device
- cautionary
- contraceptive
- contraceptive device
- defensive
- deterrent
- encumbrance
- hindrance
- hitch
- incumbrance
- interference
- precautionary
- preventative
- prophylactic
- prophylactic device
- protective
Similar words in the preventive
- blockading
- clogging
- deterrent
- frustrating
- frustrative
- healthful
- hindering
- impeding
- obstructive
- obviating
- obviating(a)
- precautional
- precautionary
- preclusive
- preemptive
- preventive
- preventives
- prohibitive
- prohibitory
- protective
- thwarting
Hyponyms for the word preventive
- anovulant
- anovulatory drug
- birth control pill
- cervical cap
- clog
- coil
- condom
- contraceptive diaphragm
- contraceptive pill
- diaphragm
- intrauterine device
- morning-after pill
- oral contraceptive
- oral contraceptive pill
- pessary
- pill
- prophylactic
- rubber
- safe
- safety
- speed bump
- spermatocide
- spermicide
Hypernyms for the word preventive
- curative
- cure
- device
- impediment
- impedimenta
- obstructer
- obstruction
- obstructor
- remedy
- therapeutic
Antonyms for the word preventive
See other words