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Defenition of the word prickling

    • Defenition of the word prickling

      • causing or experiencing a painful shivering feeling as from many tiny pricks; "a prickling blush of embarrassment"; "the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep"; "a stinging nettle"; "the stinging windblown sleet"
      • a pricking somatic sensation
      • a prickling somatic sensation as from many tiny pricks
      • a somatic sensation as from many tiny prickles

    Synonyms for the word prickling

      • burning itch
      • irritation
      • itchiness
      • stinging
      • tickle
      • tingle
      • tingling

    Similar words in the prickling

      • painful
      • prickling

    Hyponyms for the word prickling

      • pins and needles

    Hypernyms for the word prickling

      • feeling
      • somaesthesia
      • somatesthesia
      • somatic sensation
      • somesthesia

    See other words