Defenition of the word prunus
Defenition of the word prunus
- a genus of shrubs and trees of the family Rosaceae that is widely distributed in temperate regions
Synonyms for the word prunus
Meronymys for the word prunus
- almond tree
- apricot
- apricot tree
- black apricot
- blackthorn
- cherry
- cherry laurel
- cherry tree
- chokecherry
- chokecherry tree
- common apricot
- common bird cherry
- European bird cherry
- family Rosaceae
- hagberry tree
- laurel cherry
- mock orange
- nectarine
- nectarine tree
- peach
- peach tree
- plum
- plum tree
- plumcot
- plumcot tree
- Prunus armeniaca
- Prunus besseyi
- Prunus caroliniana
- Prunus cuneata
- Prunus dasycarpa
- Prunus laurocerasus
- Prunus padus
- Prunus persica
- Prunus persica nectarina
- Prunus pumila
- Prunus pumilla susquehanae
- Prunus spinosa
- Prunus susquehanae
- Prunus virginiana
- purple apricot
- Rocky Mountains cherry
- Rosaceae
- rose family
- sand cherry
- sloe
- Western sand cherry
- wild orange
Hypernyms for the word prunus
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