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Defenition of the word ptolemy

    • Defenition of the word ptolemy

      • (2nd century AD) proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus
      • an ancient dynasty of Macedonian kings who ruled Egypt from 323 BC to 30 BC; founded by Ptolemy I and ended with Cleopatra
      • Alexandrian astronomer who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus (2nd century AD)
      • Alexandrian astronomer (of the 2nd century) who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until the late Renaissance

    Synonyms for the word ptolemy

      • Claudius Ptolemaeus
      • Ptolemy

    Hypernyms for the word ptolemy

      • astronomer
      • dynasty
      • Greek
      • Hellene
      • stargazer
      • uranologist

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