Defenition of the word pucker
Defenition of the word pucker
- draw fabric together and sew it tightly
- an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface
- to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips," "This material drew after having been washed in hot water"
- become puckered
- an irregular fold in an otherwise even surface (as in cloth)
- to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips"
- become wrinkled or drawn together; "her lips puckered"
- to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
- become wrinkled or drawn together
- draw together into folds or puckers
Synonyms for the word pucker
- cockle
- crease
- crumple
- draw
- gather
- knit
- pull
- pull together
- ruck
- ruck up
- rumple
- tuck
- wrinkle
Similar words in the pucker
- pucker
- puckered
- puckering
- puckers
Hypernyms for the word pucker
- bend
- crease
- crimp
- crinkle
- crisp
- flexure
- fold
- plication
- ruckle
- run up
- scrunch
- scrunch up
- sew
- sew together
- stitch
- wrinkle
See other words