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Defenition of the word quantifier

    • Defenition of the word quantifier

      • a word that expresses a quantity (as `fifteen' or `many')
      • a word (such as `some' or `all` or `no') that binds the variables in a logical proposition
      • (grammar) a word that expresses a quantity (as `fifteen'' or `many'')
      • (logic) a word (such as `some'' or `all'' or `no'') that binds the variables in a logical proposition
      • (grammar) a word that expresses a quantity (as `fifteen' or `many')
      • (logic) a word (such as `some' or `all' or `no') that binds the variables in a logical proposition

    Hyponyms for the word quantifier

      • existential operator
      • existential quantifier
      • universal quantifier

    Hypernyms for the word quantifier

      • word

    See other words