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Defenition of the word rastafarianism

    • Defenition of the word rastafarianism

      • belief in Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie of Ethiopia) as the Messiah and that Africa (especially Ethiopia) is the Promised Land
      • a militant black religion of the followers of Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
      • belief in Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie) as the Messiah and that Africa (especially Ethiopia) is the promised land
      • a religious cult based on a belief that Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie) is the Messiah and that Africa (especially Ethiopia) is the Promised Land

    Synonyms for the word rastafarianism

      • Rastafarianism

    Meronymys for the word rastafarianism

      • Rastafarian

    Hypernyms for the word rastafarianism

      • cult
      • cultus
      • faith
      • religion
      • religious cult

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