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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "r"
Words starting with letters "re"
Words starting with letters "rea"
Words starting with letters "real"
Words starting with letters "real "
Words starting with letters "real i"
Words starting with letters "real ir"
Defenition of the word real ira
Defenition of the word real ira
Defenition of the word real ira
a radical terrorist group that broke away in 1997 when the mainstream Provisional IRA proposed a cease-fire; has continued terrorist activities in opposition to any peace agreement
Hypernyms for the word real ira
foreign terrorist organization
terrorist group
terrorist organization
See other words
What is reading material
The definition of read-only memory chip
The interpretation of the word reaction propulsion
What is meant by reaction formation
The lexical meaning reabsorption
The dictionary meaning of the word reabsorb
The grammatical meaning of the word rea silvia
Meaning of the word re-introduce
Literal and figurative meaning of the word re-formation
The origin of the word real irish republican army
Synonym for the word real(a)
Antonyms for the word realised
Homonyms for the word reallot
Hyponyms for the word realpolitik
Holonyms for the word rear(a)
Hypernyms for the word rearward(a)
Proverbs and sayings for the word reasoning(a)
Translation of the word in other languages reassertion
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "a"
Words ending with letters "ra"
Words ending with letters "ira"
Words ending with letters " ira"
Words ending with letters "l ira"
Words ending with letters "al ira"
Words ending with letters "eal ira"
Meaning of the word real ira