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Defenition of the word reamer

    • Defenition of the word reamer

      • A tool for boring a hole wider.
      • A device for rendering citrus juice.
      • A tool used to scrape carbon deposit from the bowl of a pipe.
      • A Stone Age prehistoric lithic Stone tool, used in archeology nomenclature.
      • a tool that is used to shape or enlarge holes
      • a utensil with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit
      • a drill that is used to shape or enlarge holes
      • a squeezer with a conical ridged center that is used for squeezing juice from citrus fruit

    Synonyms for the word reamer

      • juice reamer
      • juicer

    Hypernyms for the word reamer

      • drill
      • squeezer
      • surname

    See other words