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Defenition of the word received

    • Defenition of the word received

      • widely accepted as true or worthy; "the accepted wisdom about old age"; "a received moral idea"; "Received political wisdom says not; surveys show otherwise"- Economist
      • (linguistics) conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King's English" (British)
      • conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers; "standard English" (American); "received standard English is sometimes called the King''s English" (British)
      • widely accepted as true or worthy
      • conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers

    Synonyms for the word received

      • accepted
      • acknowledged
      • conventional
      • customary
      • established
      • expected
      • normal
      • standard
      • time-honored
      • traditional
      • usual

    Similar words in the received

      • acceptable
      • accepted
      • conventional
      • normative
      • prescriptive
      • received

    Antonyms for the word received

      • nonstandard

    See other words