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Defenition of the word red fox

    • Defenition of the word red fox

      • A carnivorous relatively small canine of the species Vulpes Vulpes.
      • weedy annual with spikes of silver-white flowers
      • New World fox; often considered the same species las the Old World fox
      • the common Old World fox; having reddish-brown fur; commonly considered a single circumpolar species
      • New World fox; often considered the same species as the Old World fox

    Synonyms for the word red fox

      • Celosia argentea
      • Vulpes fulva
      • Vulpes vulpes

    Meronymys for the word red fox

      • Celosia
      • genus Celosia
      • genus Vulpes
      • Vulpes

    Hyponyms for the word red fox

      • black fox
      • silver fox

    Hypernyms for the word red fox

      • fox
      • herb
      • herbaceous plant

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