Defenition of the word red indian
Defenition of the word red indian
- a member of the race of people living in North America when Europeans arrived
- a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived
Synonyms for the word red indian
- American Indian
- Indian
- North American Indian
- Red Indian
Meronymys for the word red indian
- Amerindian race
- Indian race
Hyponyms for the word red indian
- Aleut
- Aleutian
- Algonquian
- Algonquin
- Anasazi
- Athabascan
- Athabaskan
- Athapascan
- Athapaskan
- Buffalo Indian
- Chickasaw
- coeur d'alene
- Creek
- Eskimo
- Esquimau
- Haida
- Hoka
- Hokan
- Injun
- Inuit
- Iroquois
- Maya
- Mayan
- Muskhogean
- Muskogean
- Nahuatl
- Olmec
- Paleo-American
- Paleo-Amerind
- Paleo-Indian
- Penutian
- Plains Indian
- Pueblo
- red man
- Redskin
- Salish
- sannup
- Shoshone
- Shoshoni
- squaw
- Taracahitian
- Tlingit
- Wakashan
- Zapotec
- Zapotecan
Hypernyms for the word red indian
- Amerindian
- Native American
See other words