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Defenition of the word reptilia

    • Defenition of the word reptilia

      • class of cold-blooded air-breathing vertebrates with completely ossified skeleton and a body usually covered with scales or horny plates; once the dominant land animals

    Synonyms for the word reptilia

      • class Reptilia
      • Reptilia

    Meronymys for the word reptilia

      • Anapsida
      • Archosauria
      • Craniata
      • Lepidosauria
      • reptile
      • reptilian
      • subclass Anapsida
      • subclass Archosauria
      • subclass Lepidosauria
      • subclass Synapsida
      • subphylum Craniata
      • subphylum Vertebrata
      • Synapsida
      • Vertebrata

    Hypernyms for the word reptilia

      • class

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