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Defenition of the word responsive

    • Defenition of the word responsive

      • readily reacting to people or events; showing emotion; "children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience"
      • susceptible to the feelings or attitudes of others; "keeping government in America responsive to the will of the people"
      • readily reacting to suggestions and influences; "a responsive student"
      • (religion) containing or using responses or antiphons recited or sung in alternation; "responsive reading"; "antiphonal liturgy"
      • susceptible to suggestion; "a personality responsive to your desires"
      • containing or using responses or antiphons recited or sung in alternation; "responsive reading"; "antiphonal liturgy"
      • readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion
      • reacting to a stimulus
      • containing or using responses; alternating

    Synonyms for the word responsive

      • alert
      • antiphonal
      • approachable
      • open
      • quick to respond
      • reactive
      • receptive
      • tractable

    Similar words in the responsive

      • amenable
      • answering
      • hair-trigger
      • respondent
      • responsive
      • responsively
      • responsiveness
      • responsiveness's
      • sensitive
      • susceptible

    Antonyms for the word responsive

      • unresponsive

    See other words