Defenition of the word restrict
Defenition of the word restrict
- To limit narrowly.
- To make more specific.
- make more specific; "qualify these remarks"
- place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"
- place under restrictions; limit access to
- place limits on; "restrict the use of this parking lot"
- place limits on (extent or access); "restrict the use of this parking lot"; "limit the time you can spend with your friends"
- place under restrictions; limit access to; "This substance is controlled"
- make more specific
- place limits on (extent or access)
- place restrictions on
Synonyms for the word restrict
- bound
- check
- confine
- constrain
- contain
- control
- curb
- curtail
- cut back
- hamper
- hold back
- impede
- inhibit
- keep a tight rein on
- limit
- put a ceiling on
- qualify
- restrain
- throttle
- trammel
Similar words in the restrict
- restrict
- restricted
- restricting
- restrictively
- restrictives
- restricts
Hyponyms for the word restrict
- abridge
- baffle
- clamp down
- classify
- constrain
- crack down
- cramp
- cumber
- draw a line
- draw the line
- encumber
- gate
- halter
- hamper
- harness
- immobilise
- immobilize
- inhibit
- localise
- localize
- mark off
- mark out
- reduce
- regulate
- rein
- restrain
- rule
- scant
- skimp
- stiffen
- strangle
- taboo
- tie
- tighten
- tighten up
Hypernyms for the word restrict
- check
- circumscribe
- confine
- contain
- control
- curb
- hold
- hold in
- limit
- moderate
- modify
Antonyms for the word restrict
See other words