Defenition of the word retardation
Defenition of the word retardation
- A lack of normal development of intellectual capacities; the diagnosis demands an IQ score below 70.
- decrease in velocity
- lack of normal development of intellectual capacities
- the act of slowing down or falling behind
- a decrease in speed; "the deceleration of the arms race"
- any agent that retards or delays or hinders; "flame-retardant"
- the extent to which something is delayed or held back
- a decrease in rate of change
- any agent that retards or delays or hinders
Synonyms for the word retardation
- backwardness
- deceleration
- lag
- mental retardation
- slowdown
- slowing
- slowness
- subnormality
Hyponyms for the word retardation
- abnormality
- amentia
- Down syndrome
- Down's syndrome
- idiocy
- imbecility
- mental defectiveness
- mental deficiency
- mongolianism
- mongolism
- moronity
- trisomy 21
Hypernyms for the word retardation
- agent
- alteration
- change
- delay
- detention
- fastness
- hold
- holdup
- modification
- postponement
- speed
- stupidity
- swiftness
- time lag
- wait
Antonyms for the word retardation
See other words