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Defenition of the word retiring

    • Defenition of the word retiring

      • of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office; "a retiring member of the board"
      • moving toward a position farther from the front; "the receding glaciers of the last ice age"; "retiring fogs revealed the rocky coastline"
      • not arrogant or presuming; "unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work"; "a shy retiring girl"
      • not blatant or overly aggressive in manner or appearance; "a retiring disposition"
      • reluctant to draw attention to yourself
      • of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office
      • not arrogant or presuming

    Synonyms for the word retiring

      • past
      • preceding
      • receding
      • unassertive
      • unassuming

    Similar words in the retiring

      • modest
      • outgoing
      • retreating
      • unnoticeable
      • unobtrusive

    See other words