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Defenition of the word rhodes

    • Defenition of the word rhodes

      • a Greek island in the southeast Aegean Sea 10 miles off the Turkish coast; the largest of the Dodecanese; it was colonized before 1000 BC by Dorians from Argos
      • British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa; made a fortune in gold and diamond mining; helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe; he endowed annual fellowships for Commonwealth and United States students to study at Oxford Universi
      • a Greek island in the southeast Aegean Sea 10 miles off the Turkish coast; the largest of the Dodecanese; it was colonized before 1000 BC by Dorians from Argos; site of the Colossus of Rhodes
      • British colonial financier and statesman in South Africa; made a fortune in gold and diamond mining; helped colonize the territory now known as Zimbabwe; he endowed annual fellowships for British Commonwealth and United States students to study at Oxford University (1853-1902)

    Meronymys for the word rhodes

      • Dhodhekanisos
      • Dodecanese
      • Ellas
      • Greece
      • Hellenic Republic

    Hypernyms for the word rhodes

      • Aegean island
      • coloniser
      • colonizer
      • financier
      • island
      • moneyman

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