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Defenition of the word rhythm

    • Defenition of the word rhythm

      • Speed degree during a certain part of a song rhythm.
      • an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; "the neverending cycle of the seasons"
      • the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music; "the piece has a fast rhythm"; "the conductor set the beat"
      • recurring at regular intervals; "the rhythm of the seasons"
      • the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements; "the rhythm of Frost's poetry"
      • an attempt to control conception by refraining from intercourse during the period when ovulation is most likely to occur
      • natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur 14 days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from day 10 through day 18 of her cycle)
      • recurring at regular intervals
      • the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements; "the rhythm of Frost''s poetry"
      • the arrangement of spoken words alternating stressed and unstressed elements
      • the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music
      • an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs

    Synonyms for the word rhythm

      • beat
      • calendar method
      • calendar method of birth control
      • cycle
      • musical rhythm
      • regular recurrence
      • rhythm method
      • rhythm method of birth control
      • round
      • speech rhythm

    Meronymys for the word rhythm

      • phase
      • phase angle

    Hyponyms for the word rhythm

      • backbeat
      • cardiac rhythm
      • downbeat
      • heart rhythm
      • offbeat
      • syncopation
      • upbeat

    Hypernyms for the word rhythm

      • birth control
      • birth prevention
      • birthcontrol
      • cyclicity
      • family planning
      • guide
      • inflection
      • interval
      • musical time
      • natural family planning
      • periodicity
      • prosody
      • template
      • templet
      • time interval

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