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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "r"
Words starting with letters "ro"
Words starting with letters "ros"
Words starting with letters "rosi"
Words starting with letters "rosid"
Words starting with letters "rosida"
Defenition of the word rosidae
Defenition of the word rosidae
Defenition of the word rosidae
a group of trees and shrubs and herbs mostly with polypetalous flowers; contains 108 families including Rosaceae; Crassulaceae; Myrtaceae; Melastomaceae; Euphorbiaceae; Umbelliferae
Synonyms for the word rosidae
subclass Rosidae
Meronymys for the word rosidae
class Dicotyledonae
class Dicotyledones
class Magnoliopsida
order Geraniales
order Myrtales
order Rosales
order Thymelaeales
order Umbellales
rosid dicot family
rosid dicot genus
Hypernyms for the word rosidae
See other words
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The interpretation of the word bitter floom
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The lexical meaning hibiscus syriacus
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Meaning of the word portulaca grandiflora
Literal and figurative meaning of the word sun plant
The origin of the word subclass rosidae
Synonym for the word rosid dicot family
Antonyms for the word rosid dicot genus
Homonyms for the word rosilla
Hyponyms for the word helenium puberulum
Holonyms for the word silphium laciniatum
Hypernyms for the word rosin bag
Proverbs and sayings for the word rosita
Translation of the word in other languages centaurium calycosum
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "e"
Words ending with letters "ae"
Words ending with letters "dae"
Words ending with letters "idae"
Words ending with letters "sidae"
Words ending with letters "osidae"
Meaning of the word rosidae