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Defenition of the word saipan

    • Defenition of the word saipan

      • US forces captured the island from the Japanese in July 1944; it was an important air base until the end of World War II
      • an island in the southern Mariana Islands that is the administrative center of the United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
      • the largest island in the Northern Marianas and the administrative center of the commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in union with the United States

    Synonyms for the word saipan

      • Saipan

    Meronymys for the word saipan

      • Northern Mariana Islands
      • Northern Marianas
      • Saipan
      • Second World War
      • World War 2
      • World War II

    Hypernyms for the word saipan

      • amphibious assault
      • island

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