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Defenition of the word saxon

    • Defenition of the word saxon

      • of or relating to or characteristic of the early Saxons or Anglo-Saxons and their descendents (especially the English or Lowland Scots) and their language; "Saxon princes"; "for greater clarity choose a plain Saxon term instead of a latinate one"
      • a member of a Germanic people who conquered England and merged with the Angles and Jutes to become Anglo-Saxons; dominant in England until the Norman conquest
      • of or relating to or characteristic of the early Saxons or Anglo-Saxons and their descendents (especially the English or Lowland Scots) and their language

    Synonyms for the word saxon

      • Saxon

    Hyponyms for the word saxon

      • Athelstan
      • West Saxon

    Hypernyms for the word saxon

      • European
      • surname

    See other words