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Defenition of the word scald

    • Defenition of the word scald

      • To burn oneself through contact with hot or boiling liquid.
      • To burn through contact with hot or boiling liquid.
      • the act of burning with steam or hot water
      • a burn cause by hot liquid or steam
      • burn with a hot liquid
      • burn with a hot liquid or steam; "She scalded her hands when she turned on the faucet and hot water came out"
      • heat to the boiling point; "scald the milk"
      • treat with boiling water; "scald tomatoes so that they can be peeled"
      • subject to harsh criticism; "The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday"; "the professor scaled the students"; "your invectives scorched the community"
      • burn with a hot liquid or steam
      • heat to the boiling point
      • treat with boiling water
      • subject to harsh criticism

    Hypernyms for the word scald

      • assail
      • assault
      • attack
      • burn
      • heat
      • heat up
      • lash out
      • process
      • round
      • snipe
      • treat

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