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Defenition of the word scarify

    • Defenition of the word scarify

      • puncture the skin, as, for example, in some African cultures; for ritual purposes
      • break up, of soil
      • scratch the surface of; "scarify seeds"
      • scar (the body) in certain cultures; "Some African tribes scarify their faces"
      • puncture and scar (the skin), as for purposes or tribal identification or rituals; "The men in some African tribes scarify their faces"
      • break up; "scarify soil"
      • puncture and scar (the skin), as for purposes or tribal identification or rituals
      • break up
      • scratch the surface of

    Hypernyms for the word scarify

      • loosen
      • mark
      • nock
      • pit
      • pock
      • puncture
      • scar
      • score

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