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Defenition of the word secretary of transportation

    • Defenition of the word secretary of transportation

      • the position of the head of the Department of Transportation; "the post of Transportation Secretary was created in 1966
      • the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Transportation; "Johnson appointed Alan S. Boyd as the first Transportation Secretary"
      • the position of the head of the Department of Transportation; "the post of Transportation Secretary was created in 1966"
      • the position of the head of the Department of Transportation
      • the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Transportation

    Synonyms for the word secretary of transportation

      • Secretary of Transportation
      • Transportation Secretary

    Meronymys for the word secretary of transportation

      • United States Cabinet
      • US Cabinet

    Hypernyms for the word secretary of transportation

      • secretary
      • secretaryship

    See other words