Defenition of the word semi
Defenition of the word semi
- (prefix) half or partial; "`semi' is a prefix in such words as `semicircular' and `semiannual' and `semiconscious'"
- (prefix) having some of the characteristics of; "`semi' is a prefix meaning similar in the word `semiofficial'"
- one of the two competitions in the next to the last round of an elimination tournament
- a trailer having wheels only in the rear; the front is supported by the towing vehicle
- a truck consisting of a tractor and a trailer together
- a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together
Synonyms for the word semi
- articulated lorry
- half
- partially
- partly
- semifinal
- semitrailer
- tractor trailer
- trailer truck
Similar words in the semi
- fractional
- semi
- semi's
- semiannual
- semiautomatic
- semiautomatics
- semicircle
- semicircle's
- semicircles
- semicircular
- semicolon
- semicolon's
- semicolons
- semiconductor
- semiconductor's
- semiconductors
- semiconscious
- semifinal
- semifinal's
- semifinalist
- semifinalist's
- semifinalists
- semifinals
- semimonthlies
- semimonthly
- seminal
- seminar
- seminar's
- seminarian
- seminarian's
- seminarians
- seminaries
- seminary
- seminary's
- seminole
- seminole's
- seminoles
- semiprecious
- semiprivate
- semiprofessional
- semiprofessionals
- semiramis
- semiramis's
- semis
- semiskilled
- semite
- semite's
- semites
- semitic
- semitic's
- semitics
- semitone
- semitone's
- semitones
- semitrailer
- semitrailer's
- semitrailers
- semitropical
- semiweeklies
- semiweekly
- similar
Meronymys for the word semi
- articulated lorry
- elimination tournament
- rig
- semi
- semitrailer
- tractor trailer
- trailer
- trailer truck
- trucking rig
Hyponyms for the word semi
Hypernyms for the word semi
- match
- motortruck
- trailer
- truck
See other words