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Defenition of the word shakily

    • Defenition of the word shakily

      • in a manner characterized by trembling or shaking; "`I--I 'm going to make you a cup of tea ,' she explained shakily"
      • in an insecurely shaky manner; "this theory is rather shakily supported by some obscure data"
      • in a manner characterized by trembling or shaking; "`I--I''m going to make you a cup of tea'', she explained shakily"
      • in a manner characterized by trembling or shaking
      • in an insecurely shaky manner

    Synonyms for the word shakily

      • erratically
      • precariously
      • treacherously
      • unevenly
      • unsteadily

    Similar words in the shakily

      • shakily

    See other words