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Defenition of the word shallowness

    • Defenition of the word shallowness

      • the quality of lacking physical depth: "take into account the shallowness at that end of the pool before you dive"
      • lack of depth of knowledge or thought or feeling
      • the quality of lacking physical depth; "take into account the shallowness at that end of the pool before you dive"
      • the quality of lacking physical depth

    Synonyms for the word shallowness

      • superficiality

    Hyponyms for the word shallowness

      • glibness
      • sciolism
      • slickness
      • superficiality

    Hypernyms for the word shallowness

      • deepness
      • depth

    Antonyms for the word shallowness

      • deepness
      • profoundness
      • profundity

    See other words