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Defenition of the word shew

    • Defenition of the word shew

      • To give a proof that something is true.
      • establish the validity of something; "This behavior shows his true nature"
      • establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"
      • establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment

    Synonyms for the word shew

      • demonstrate
      • establish
      • prove
      • show

    Hyponyms for the word shew

      • contradict
      • negate
      • prove
      • prove oneself
      • stultify

    Hypernyms for the word shew

      • affirm
      • confirm
      • corroborate
      • substantiate
      • support
      • surname
      • sustain

    Antonyms for the word shew

      • confute
      • disprove

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