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Defenition of the word siren

    • Defenition of the word siren

      • A woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive.
      • A device, either mechanical or electronic, that makes a piercingly loud sound as an alarm or signal.
      • a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
      • eel-like aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
      • a device producing a loud often wailing sound as a signal or warning
      • a warning signal that is a loud wailing sound
      • a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"
      • an acoustic device producing a loud often wailing sound as a signal or warning
      • a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren''s fatal song"
      • eellike aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
      • a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived

    Synonyms for the word siren

      • alarm bell
      • bell
      • danger signal
      • Delilah
      • distress signal
      • enchantress
      • femme fatale
      • Siren
      • temptress
      • warning

    Similar words in the siren

      • siren
      • siren's
      • sirens

    Meronymys for the word siren

      • genus Siren

    Hyponyms for the word siren

      • Lorelei

    Hypernyms for the word siren

      • acoustic device
      • adult female
      • alarm
      • alarm system
      • alarum
      • alert
      • nymph
      • salamander
      • sea nymph
      • warning device
      • warning signal
      • woman

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