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Defenition of the word sixth crusade

    • Defenition of the word sixth crusade

      • a Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who was therefore excommunicated by the Pope; by negotiation Frederick was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem
      • a Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who was therefore excommunicated by the Pope; by negotiation Frederick II was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem
      • a Crusade from 1228 to 1229 led by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II who fell ill and was excommunicated by the Pope; by negotiation Frederick II was able to crown himself king of Jerusalem

    Synonyms for the word sixth crusade

      • Sixth Crusade

    Hypernyms for the word sixth crusade

      • Crusade

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