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Defenition of the word slum

    • Defenition of the word slum

      • A run-down area of a city where the poor and socially disadvantaged live and which is characterized by substandard housing, overpopulation and lack of infrastructure such as clean water, sanitation and electricity.
      • visit slums for entertainment or out of curiosity
      • a district of a city marked by poverty and inferior living conditions
      • (of housing or residential areas) indicative of poverty; "a slummy part of town"; "slum conditions"
      • spend time at a lower socio-economic level than one's own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure; usage considered condescending and insensitive

    Synonyms for the word slum

      • slum area
      • slummy

    Similar words in the slum

      • poor

    Hyponyms for the word slum

      • shantytown
      • skid row

    Hypernyms for the word slum

      • city district
      • pass
      • see
      • spend
      • visit

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