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Defenition of the word sniff

    • Defenition of the word sniff

      • To inhale; to make a short, audible inhalation, through the nose, as if to smell something.
      • inhale audibly
      • sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose
      • draw air audibly up the nose
      • inhale audibly through the nose; "the sick student was sniffling in the back row"
      • perceive by inhaling through the nose; "sniff the perfume"
      • inhale audibly through the nose
      • perceive by inhaling through the nose

    Synonyms for the word sniff

      • sniffle
      • snuff
      • whiff

    Similar words in the sniff

      • nose out
      • scent out
      • smell out
      • sniff out

    Hypernyms for the word sniff

      • breathe in
      • inhale
      • inspire
      • smell
      • smelling

    See other words