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Defenition of the word snorter

    • Defenition of the word snorter

      • something that is extraordinary or remarkable or prominent: "a snorter of a sermon"; "the storm wasn't long but it was a snorter"
      • (British) something outstandingly difficult; "the problem was a real snorter"
      • something that is extraordinary or remarkable or prominent; "a snorter of a sermon"; "the storm wasn''t long but it was a snorter"
      • something outstandingly difficult; "the problem was a real snorter"
      • someone who expresses contempt or indignation by uttering a snorting sound
      • something that is extraordinary or remarkable or prominent
      • something outstandingly difficult

    Hypernyms for the word snorter

      • difficulty
      • disagreeable person
      • thing
      • unpleasant person

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