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Defenition of the word Solomon Islands

    • Defenition of the word Solomon Islands

      • A country in Melanesia, Oceania. Its capital city is Honiara.
      • the northernmost islands are part of Papua New Guinea; the remainder form an independent state within the British Commonwealth
      • the southern Solomon Islands that form an independent state in the British Commonwealth
      • the southern Solomon Islands that since 1978 form an independent state in the British Commonwealth

    Synonyms for the word Solomon Islands

      • Solomon Islands

    Meronymys for the word Solomon Islands

      • battle of Guadalcanal
      • Bougainville
      • Guadalcanal
      • Melanesia
      • Solomon Islands
      • Solomons

    Hypernyms for the word Solomon Islands

      • archipelago
      • country
      • land
      • nation
      • state

    See other words