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Defenition of the word somatic sense

    • Defenition of the word somatic sense

      • the faculty of bodily perception; sensory systems associated with the body; includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs

    Synonyms for the word somatic sense

      • somaesthesia
      • somaesthesis
      • somatatesthesis
      • somatesthesia
      • somatic sensory system
      • somatosensory system
      • somesthesia
      • somesthesis

    Meronymys for the word somatic sense

      • cutaneous senses
      • proprioception
      • sense of touch
      • skin senses
      • touch
      • touch modality

    Hyponyms for the word somatic sense

      • feeling of movement
      • kinaesthesia
      • kinesthesia
      • skin perceptiveness
      • tactility
      • tactual sensation
      • touch perception

    Hypernyms for the word somatic sense

      • interoception

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