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Defenition of the word sounding

    • Defenition of the word sounding

      • appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms; "left their clothes dirty looking"; "a most disagreeable looking character"; "angry-looking"; "liquid-looking"; "severe-looking policemen on noble horses"; "fine-sounding phrases"; "taken in by high-sounding talk"
      • making or having a sound as specified; used as a combining form; "harsh-sounding"
      • having volume or depth; "sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal"; "the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion"- Wordsworth
      • the act of measuring depth of water (usually with a sounding line)
      • a measure of the depth of water taken by sounding
      • appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms; "left their clothes dirty looking"; "a most disagreeable looking character"; "angry-looking"; "liquid-looking"; "severe-looking policemen on noble horses"; "fine-sounding phrases"; "taken in b
      • a measure of the depth of water taken with a sounding line
      • making or having a sound as specified; used as a combining form
      • having volume or deepness
      • appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms

    Synonyms for the word sounding

      • looking

    Similar words in the sounding

      • audible
      • full
      • hearable
      • superficial

    Hypernyms for the word sounding

      • deepness
      • depth
      • measure
      • measurement
      • measuring
      • mensuration

    See other words