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Defenition of the word spatchcock

    • Defenition of the word spatchcock

      • flesh of a chicken (or game bird) split down the back and grilled (usually immediately after being killed)
      • interpolate or insert into a sentence or story, as of words
      • prepare for eating if or as if a spatchcock, of foul
      • interpolate or insert (words) into a sentence or story
      • prepare for eating if or as if a spatchcock; "spatchcock a guine hen"
      • prepare for eating if or as if a spatchcock

    Hypernyms for the word spatchcock

      • chicken
      • devise
      • get up
      • insert
      • machinate
      • organise
      • organize
      • poulet
      • prepare
      • slip in
      • sneak in
      • stick in
      • volaille

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