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Defenition of the word specification

    • Defenition of the word specification

      • A document that prescribes, in a complete, precise, verifiable manner, the requirements, design, behavior, or characteristics of a system or system component. (source IEEE)
      • a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work
      • a restriction that is insisted upon as a condition for an agreement
      • (patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and usse of an invention
      • naming explicitly
      • (patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and use of an invention

    Synonyms for the word specification

      • spec
      • stipulation

    Hyponyms for the word specification

      • computer architecture
      • network architecture

    Hypernyms for the word specification

      • bill
      • confinement
      • description
      • document
      • naming
      • papers
      • restriction
      • verbal description
      • written document

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